Monday, December 23, 2019
The past century saw major developments in the economic,...
The past century saw major developments in the economic, social, political and cultural life of the United States as it grew from a burgeoning industrial nation to the world’s leading superpower. By the 1900s, giant firms such as Carneige Steel, The Standard Oil Trust, among a few others controlled 2/5th of the nation’s marketing capital. This resulted in a rapid increase in the number of industrial workers and even though the American society was growing wealthier overall, there were several thousands that still lived not only in poverty but also far below the poverty lines. It all began with rapid economic growth that was fueled with technological advancements in the field of electricity, communications, business machines, farm and†¦show more content†¦The Railroads comprised the first big business for America ad their systemization and consolidation by the end of the 19th century brought about the development of large business enterprises in the world. The G ilded Age, even though known for its advancements in the field of industrialization was known to have been an era of serious social problems, hidden under the glitz and glamour of precipitously evolving developments. The lessons of the railroads were applied to other big businesses and were soon met with public outrage at the unscrupulous tactics, monopoly control and sky-high earnings of these affluent corporations. The number of industrial workers had increased rapidly from 885, 000 to 3.2 million from 1860 to 1890 alone. Also, the American Revolution of 1765-1783 had resulted in the dissemination of new socio-political ideas, especially considering that the American nation had succeeded and won its independence from the absolute military power of its time. The ideals of social equality ran high. However, changes in trade and commerce resulting from modern capitalism were a complete deviation from this vision. Thus, arose grassroots organizations that would respond to the changes in society through labor movements, the 1960s-70s feminist movement responding primarily to women’s suffrage, civil rights movements, antiwar activism and gay rights. As the American society continued to grow wealthier, factory workers began to numb toShow MoreRelatedThe First Glimpse Of Globalization1573 Words  | 7 PagesGlobalization is the process in which a world-wide circulation of goods, ideas, and people takes place. Historically, there were two periods of profound expansion, the 15th and 16th century and 20th and 21st century. In both cases, these eras of globalization were preceded by periods of enriched thinking, sharing, and scientific revolutions. The renaissance is a prime example of an era when ideas and knowledge flourished and spread throughout Europe. 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